November 23, 2005


Turkey? Ham? Couldn't decide which one I wanted for tomorrow, so I chose neither. I have declared T-Day this year to be changed to L-day. I decided on lobster and a small catering truck full of unconventional fixings. Thanksgiving only comes once a year!

And plus, all my kitchen stuff is boxed up.

I know I'm a little ahead of time here, but I may be boxing up my computers in the next 24, so I better yell a super Happy Lobster Day while I can!


Blogger Worldgineer said...

Yay! There really should be a seafood-based holiday. (I know, I'm a vegetarian, but I can still voice an opinion - right?)

7:27 PM, November 23, 2005  
Blogger dag said...

What do you substitue for the feast to celebrate the pilgrims? Or is this a time of mourning? ;)

12:26 AM, November 24, 2005  
Blogger Worldgineer said...

//time of mourning// Ha! Should be.

I look forward to an annual Tofurky or Unturkey, both of which are wonderful.

2:03 AM, November 24, 2005  
Blogger dag said...

Was Tofu derived from duct tape, or was it the othr way around. Seems like it can do just about anything.

1:10 PM, November 24, 2005  
Blogger k_sra said...

Lobster sounds ideal really. We managed to sneak in a family sushi party this year. It was delish!

Hope your holiday was loverly and wishing you the best of this next month as you enjoy all that life has to offer, you lucky bastard! ; ) You'll be missed.

11:27 AM, November 28, 2005  

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