March 08, 2005

Boozey Stench

So I unpacked my suitcase last night. It smelled like someone poured a rank bottle of cheap scotch all over everything. The culprit: A bottle of my hair spray gell stuff. Either I did not secure the top or the delta in pressure was too much and allowed most of it to leak out.

Bums me out. Clothes are usually just something to cover my bod in most cases and not meant to make statements, but this alcohol based spray gel decided to go directly for my favorite t-shirts. Everyone has got them, you know, the ones you get from your favorite vacation and the kind some buddy in a far away place mailed you that you will probably never be able to replace. Hopefuly they will survive the wash and dry with minimal stainage. I'm going to leave that to the experts though, considering I have no idea how to work my washer and dryer (the twin death stars) anyway.


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