September 20, 2004

Back Home, for now.

Howdy. Back from the West. Damn that was fun. Just what I needed.

First things first. Don’t ever buy a used car from a car rental company. Especially a 2004 silver Dodge Durango. I beat the living snot out of it, and would never wish this vehicle on anyone, ever. I went places with this thing that I wouldn’t have dared to with my Hummer. I have a new respect for Dodge Durangos though, it took everything I dished out. Took it to a car wash and made it look nice and pretty just before I returned it.

Highlights of Reno:

Made it down to Lake Tahoe, circled the lake and did some boulder hopping on the west shore. J.L Bliss state park or something like that. Quite fun, met some great people there that invited me back to their place for a few more days of fun in the sun.

Went North of Sulphur, NV and bounced around the rocks and hiked some Black Rock Desert/High Rock Canyon Emigrant Trails. This is where I did the majority of my truck abuse. Didn’t see a soul.

Made it East to Dixie Valley, Dixie, Boyer, Boomcat and a bunch of other ghost towns, most of them not on the map and didn’t have names. Most were trashed but a few still had some buildings standing that were worth exploring. Didn’t see a soul, accept for ghosts of course. Slept on the roof of the truck and watched the stars, ‘cause I ain’t ‘fraid a no ghosts!

Never made it West into Cali, but that trip will come, those sequoias are the bomb.

All said, that was a great breath of fresh air, thanks to Worldgineer’s inspiration. Only bad thing about the trip is it reminded me how much it sucks to live at sea level, get me above 5000ft now and I’m wheezing! What the hell?! I used to be a mountain goat!

One week turned into almost two, and it still wasn’t enough. I’ve got another trip in the works. This time I’m going back to my old stomping grounds in northern Arizona. Probably going to fly into Phoenix Sept 29th rent a truck and stay a few weeks. Prescott, Sedona and the Mogollon Rim are next. I think I've got the outdoors bug, and damnit, I'm gonna scratch it.

Brutus was happy I was home, he won't like it when I tell him I'm leaving again.


Blogger Worldgineer said...

Congrats on not just sitting around. Sounds like you had a blast. We were this --> <-- close to calling out search an rescue. That would have been fun. "Sorry, sir, who is lost?" "Dag. Some guy I know on the internet." "And where is he." "Um. I don't know. The mountains I think. Or maybe the desert."

3:10 PM, September 20, 2004  
Blogger k_sra said...

Holy hell, man! You ARE a mountain goat. And why aren't you writing more extensively of this trip? PLEASE write more extensively. It makes my day go faster when I can read your adventures. : )

Good grief. And you must be independently wealthy that you can just rampage all over whenever the whim takes you. Don't you have a job? Some sort of responsibilities or demands on your life and time? No?

Then you are my hero.

Send Brutus here. He and I will hang till you get back.

11:09 AM, September 21, 2004  

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