October 26, 2004


Culpepper. Minnesota Viking quarterback, great athlete, won again last week, probably going to win the super bowl, but not the topic of this post.

I spent the last weekend out in the Shenandoah Mountains hiking and backcountry camping. The last town I remember was Culpepper Virginia. Nice little place, bought a case of home canned sweet pepper relish that will make a helluva good salsa dip.

Great hiking, not quite the rugged mountains of the West, but still some good elevation deltas. Hiked up the White Oak Creek trail, with 9 or 10 waterfalls, then back down the next ravine over, can’t remember the name. Also hiked Old Rag, a rocky area that was fairly busy. Everyone I ran into complained of how cold it was, what wussies.

The overnight camping was good, not that cold, probably in the high 30’s or so, but a sub-zero bag, some fire-roasted rocks and a snuggly dog made for toasty sleeping.

Glad to be back home, but only for a few days, I think I’m going to go and do some city exploring and change the pace.

October 21, 2004

Dirty dag

Spend last evening helping a buddy get his car unstuck from a mud pit. Oh, what fun. What a dunce. I can't even begin to figure out what he was thinking. His '99 mustang was sunk up past the bottom of the doors. It was fun to yank it out with my beast's winch, but I got quite filthy hooking up the cable. Much to my delight, mud continues to wash off quite easily when taking a shower. Can't say the same for his ride, it will take at least half a dozen washes to get it clean again, especially after I spun my tires enough to coat the entire vehicle quite nicely.

October 18, 2004

Yummy Chianti

Sipping a glass, or two or three, of Chianti and enjoying the view off of my deck today. Perfect weather here on the East Coast. Cool enough for a sweatshirt but warm enough to settle in to a good book, enjoy the breeze and take a break to watch the clouds roam overhead.

I took the liberty of extending the weekend a day. Monday should be part of the weekend anyway, all the time. Tonight I think I’ll rent a movie and get my fix of overbugeted action in a completely unrealistic plot.

Last night I had a few people over and watched the Vikings game. Not really a huge football fan, but it was a fun game to watch. Lotsa points scored and good hard hits. I may have to make that a more regular thing.

This is how I felt a few days ago.


This is how I feel today.


October 15, 2004

Back in the Groove

Now, I think I have this posting a picture thing down to the point that I may be able to link some pics, thanks to the help of Worldgineer and k_sra.

So don't fret with my momentary lapse of frustration, not unlike that of a squirrel forgetting where he stored his nuts for the winter.

And Worldgineer, if you look at the pics I emailed out, it wasn't just the gorilla doing the teapot, in fact he was the easiest to get to do it. The hard ones were the cacti, imagine trying to get a coouple dozen cacti all to do the teapot at the same time, quite a daunting task. And that scorpion, I must have spent 30 minutes trying to convince him to get in to that pose.

Oh well. dag is back to normal. Stress free and plotting what to do for an adventure next. near, far, high, low... Any suggestions?


Yes. Thanks Mr. Gates. Just thought I'd get it out there.



Yes, I admit it. I am a moron. I've tried about 13 million different frickin' ways to post a few picks to my blog. I've done it before, but I'm having serious technical issues with my computer and its software, OS or whatever the hell its guts are called. Maybe I should just reformat the damn thing and start over. I'm too pissed right now, I shouldn't let a little thing like this get me all out of whack, but it is. If you want, come back next week, and hopefully I will have calmed down and bought a new computer by then. This one sucks.

October 14, 2004

Not Me, Not Now.

Oh just ignore this one.

Not Down with That

This post has been edited to eliminate the evidence of dag being grumpy, stressed, temporarily insane, demonized, stupid, and technologically stumped. Feel free to add any others that seem to fit.

Picture Postings

One of these days I'll get a few pictures posted. I think I may have found a place. We shall see if this works.

Way Down

Picture Puzzles

I think I may have found a place to post some pics. So far, I have not found the catch other than they only let me store 25 pictures in their precious storage space.

http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2004-10/852710/cigmonk.jpg">Down, way down.

If this works, I'll post some tonight. Really, I promise. Heading out to catch a flick this afternoon to escape a rainy, gloomy day, not sure which one yet, nothing really jumping out and saying "watch me!".

October 13, 2004

Sleepy dag

Now I wouldn’t classify this as laziness, but someone, one who has both of their eyes open at this moment, might. I slept for 18 hours straight, holy crap. I then got up, ate some grub and went back to bed for 5 hours. WTF. I think my internal ticker got fused to my plentiful strained muscles.

Anyways, I’m trying to figure out the best way to post some pics from my last adventure to AZ. I tried the hello blogger thing like I had done in the past, which I thought worked rather well, but either I’m too tired or a gremlin has taken over the hello interface to my computer. I went to yahoo something or another uploaded a bunch, but then realized they say I can’t share them with the public unless I get the ‘premium account’, well blow me Yahoo.

All I friggin’ want to do is find an easy place to host some friggin’ pics. Damn this shouldn’t be this difficult. I’m going to take a nap. Maybe I’m dreaming this anyway.

I don’t think this will be viewable if you are not a Yahoo troglodyte, but oh well. I didn’t waste a few hours for nothing.

Teapot Singing Scorpion

Nighty nite. And, yes it is nighttime here. I’m not really sure what day it is, but it is dark out.

October 12, 2004


Well, I'm back home. What an adventure. I'll keep it short for now, because I feel like I've been beaten by a bus full of pro wrestlers and my body is going to shutdown for a while and I need to recharge it. I hiked just about every day and my body is completely wiped. No broken bones or concussions, just a lot of good scratches, some firmly secured cacti thorns and a few sunburnt parts.

I'll download and post some adventures and pics when I wake up. It will probably be tomorrow.

And Yes, I did find someone, well something, doing the teapot song.